Tsogo Sun

Tsogo Sun Hotels rebranded to Southern Sun. I was wondering what’s this and what it has to do with me. As I was browsing the internet, I saw Tsogo Sun.
It was very new to my mind and very interesting. So I decided to discover more and I am more than happy to have discovered this.
Just imagine a name sticking in your brain and you have the obligation to find out more and set yourself free. Lol
If you are like me wondering what Tsogo Sun is, this post will help you understand what it is.
I am sure you would like to find a place that is different, new and environmentally cool. But most importantly, if it is entertainment you are looking for, here you have found.
I was not paid to write, I just feel like I have to share with you about a sun that is shining too bright but is a bit hiding in the eyes of many, including me but not anymore.
Good things can be shared right? This place can be good for whether you are in south africa or from overseas and would like to visit south africa. Let’s discover what Tsogo Sun is.
What is Tsogo Sun
Tsogo Sun is a South African company. Based in South Africa, it offers amazing things such as hotels, gaming and entertainment . Now you can imagine where you are about to go, you will forget about your little stresses.
Tsogo Sun has at least 15 operational casinos, plus 24 Galaxy Bingo sites, and 1 Independent Site Operator License (ISO) as well as VSlots (“LPMs”) Limited Pay-out Machines across nine provinces in South Africa.
Which means, anywhere in South Africa you would like to go to entertain yourself, friends or family, you will find Tsogo Sun.
Beside the casinos and the bingo sites, the group has Bet.co.za bookmaker licenses too. Not limited to that, they have hotels, a theme Park, multiple world-class theaters, restaurants, movie cinemas, bars and conference facilities.
This is really cool ! By the way, you would maybe like to know the meaning of the name Tsogo, I am sure you understand the second word “ sun”, it is in english. Lol.
The word or name “Tsogo + Sun” the first name is from Setswana simply means ‘ New Life’. You can also translate it literally as resurrection. So it’s kind of : The sun that dies in the west and resurrects beautifully in the east in the morning.
If you are curious as I am and would like to know the source of the greatness, you may ask yourself who may be the owner of this wonderful activity. Continue reading below to discover who owns Tsego Sun.
Tsogo Sun Ownership
Before 2011 as per my research, Tsogo Sun Holdings owned two divisions. The first division was called Southern Sun Hotel. And the second division was called Tsogo Sun Gaming.
Sometime within the same year, Tsogo Sun Holdings concluded a merger with and reverse listing through Gold Reef Resorts. I don’t even know what that means.
But what I do know for sure is that the group was one of the largest Johannesburg Stock Exchange listed companies in the hotel and tourism sector with a market capitalization of R30.8 billion.
Since the unbundling of its business into separate gaming and hotels interests in 2019, Tsogo Sun Hotels also called Southern Sun and Tsogo Sun Gaming have been listed separately on the JSE.
Tsogo Sun Gaming abbreviated as TSG and Tsogo Sun Hotels abbreviated as TGO trading as Southern Sun are both owned by Hosken Consolidated Investments (47%) and public shares.
Tsogo Sun History
The Tsogo Sun Group is not a new name. It is an established and respected business of honor. Established in 1969, when hotelier Sol Kerzner founded the chain of Southern Sun Hotels in partnership with South African Breweries.
In this period, we are reminded of the south African political status, it is the time where south Africa was trying to gain freedom.
So in 1994, the group’s gambling operations were limited to those hotels located in Apartheid era bantustans, as gambling in the rest of South Africa was illegal.
When the new democratic government came to power, gambling was not restricted anymore which enabled the group to add 14 gaming destinations to its portfolio.
Through a process of bid applications, the group acquired five casino licenses: Emnotweni (Nelspruit), The Ridge, Hemingways, Montecasino and Suncoast.
An additional two casinos, The Caledon and Blackrock (formerly known as Century Casino), were added to the group’s portfolio in 2009 through the acquisition of Century Resorts Limited and Winlen Casino Operators (Pty) Limited.
Subsequently a further seven casinos were added to the portfolio through the reverse buy-out of Gold Reef Resorts in 2011: Gold Reef City, Silverstar, Queens, Mykonos, Goldfields, Golden Horse and Garden Route.
Then in 2014, the group did announce entering into transaction agreements resulting in Tsogo Sun acquiring a 40% equity interest each in SunWest International and Worcester Casinos.
This transaction gave the group a stake in all five casinos located in the Western Cape. In 2017 the Tsogo Sun CEO was Mr. Jacques Booysen. Jacques Booysen previously served as managing director of Gaming at Tsogo Sun Holdings since April 2007.
As you can see the group comes from very old maybe before you were even born. It has a history and still offers you good vibes.
Tsogo Sun Gaming itself has its own history which is too long to share here, but you can always find it on the wikipedia website. Le share now some good reasons why you must visit Tsogo Sun hotels, restaurants or casinos.
Good reasons why you must visit Tsogo Sun
Let’s just choose Tsogo Sun Hotels for example, what are the good reasons why you must visit them?
Tsogo Sun Hotels, first of all, is the leading of the most luxurious hotels in South africa. By luxurious I don’t mean expensive, they are affordable.
The hotels available atTsogo Sun vary and are world-class. Let’s talk about these wonderful accommodations.
Accommodation At Tsogo Sun
Accommodation is not really a good reason for you to choose the Tsogo Sun, as they are thousands of accommodations in the country. But the confort! I love the confort. Each Tsogo Sun hotel has a unique vibration, it’s really a must see.
Food and Drink At Tsogo Sun
Huuuuum food and drink! Who does not like good food in this world? If you ask me what is the first thing that can make me happy right now, I would say “good food”. A number of Tsogo Sun restaurants offer a delightful Sunday Lunch buffet which is a favorite for family and other special occasions.
Besidie, I will leave it up to you to discover vele. Sorry, vele means “ for sure”.
The very last good reason for you to visit the Tsogo Sun is the area or locations. They have or have chosen such wonderful locations that you will never forget. It;’s memorable, it is a souvenir that will stick in your mind for the rest of your life.
You are more than welcome to find out more about this hidden treasure which I call Tsogo Sun.
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